A year to change your life: Week 1

When it comes to changing your life it can seem like hard work, and looks like it can cost a lot of money. It’s not surprising that a lot of people who want to change feel like they can’t because they are constantly fed images of perfection. But improving who you are is not about perfection, it’s progression. Improving you does not happen over-night, it can take years but that is the fun of it. Even if you are broke, down on your luck, and feel like the worst person on the planet who can’t improve, there is a way. I have found a way to change your life, one step at a time, that will only cost you a pound a week for the next year. This will get you on the right track to self-improvement. That’s right. So even if you are flat broke and think that you don’t have the funds to change a little bit every week, then read on. This week it is beauty on a budget.

Continue reading A year to change your life: Week 1

Mangrooming: Birch Box Limited Edition Man Box

In a bid to discover some new stuff for my husband, I ordered him a Birch Box. Not that there is anything wrong with his routine but it’s nice to try new products from time to time. And he is always happy to be my guinea pig and get pampered. What man doesn’t like a woman looking after him? Actually don’t answer that.

Continue reading Mangrooming: Birch Box Limited Edition Man Box

BirchBox Benebride Review

Those of you who know me, know that I got married a couple of months ago (eek!). One of the most stressful things about the wedding day is making sure that you look good. No-one wants to be the bride that looks like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards with eyes that look like pissholes in the snow. Say what you will about me being shallow, but I don’t want to go looking back on my wedding snaps and feeling awful because I wasn’t the glowing picture of health and love on my big day. So I turned to the Benefit Bridal boxes from Birch Box.

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The Beauty Edit: Something Old, Something New

I might not look it from my photos but I am nearly 31 years old. Well, I hope I don’t look it anyway. I might be passed my prime to some people but seeing as I remember the 90’s (I was there after all) I thought I would share a couple of different products that we used back in the day. There are some new ones in there too because I can.

Continue reading The Beauty Edit: Something Old, Something New

The Beauty Edit

We were having a chat in the meeting the other day when I felt the need to apologise for not wearing any makeup. I don’t know why. Maybe it was to do with image. I am the beauty gal after all and I really should be groomed to perfection every day, shouldn’t I? Even if you feel the need to forget the makeup for a day, you can still look good and feel great.

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Can you smell that?

Recently I have been plagued with smelly people. You know the ones I’m talking about. They stand next to you in a shop, or sit near you on the bus, and the whiff of their bodies brings tears to your eyes. It used to be that if you smelt like that, you were very poor and couldn’t afford to wash on a regular basis. But in modern society it still happens and I have to ask, why have these people stopped washing?

Continue reading Can you smell that?

The Beauty Edit

This weeks beauty picks has been one of our favorites. This week I got our digits on some lovely natural products to help make the beginning of your summer a fabulous one!

As always, I have forked out my own cold cash to test out these products, so if I’m not happy you will know about it. Also I have provided links to places where you can buy these products. If you choose to click and buy through us, you will help fund my addiction to cheap coffee and shoes.

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The Beauty Edit

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover. These are two quotes that tend to get thrown about when I talk about what I do. Another one is that women wear makeup for the benefit of men. To counter that argument I’d like to use a quote from another beauty blogger, “I don’t own 50 Mac lipsticks to impress a man that can’t tell the difference between Shy Girl and Teddy”. Why am I ranting at the beginning of a beauty post? Because if you choose to use any of the beauty products that I talk about, it should be because they make you feel beautiful.

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I love Freebies

Can I confess something? Sometimes I buy magazines because of the free thing that comes with it. It could be a nail polish, a hand cream, or even a tea bag. I think I have an addiction to the freebies. Over the weekend the new issue of Glamour came out and I had to stop myself from buying four issues. Why four issues? Because they had four different freebies of course. As much as I enjoy the magazines, the inital lure comes from the free gift that comes with that issue. Over the years I have even subscribed to magazines just to get a fabulous gift set. Sure, I read the magazine too but without the fancy gift I would never have subscribed or picked it from the rack in the shop.

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Spiritual Healing

There comes a point for everyone when they need some rest and relaxation, a spiritual battery recharge so to speak. Lisa at Naturally Clean NI knows just how you feel and has some products for those of you who need a bit of “me time”.

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