A year to change your life: Week 1

When it comes to changing your life it can seem like hard work, and looks like it can cost a lot of money. It’s not surprising that a lot of people who want to change feel like they can’t because they are constantly fed images of perfection. But improving who you are is not about perfection, it’s progression. Improving you does not happen over-night, it can take years but that is the fun of it. Even if you are broke, down on your luck, and feel like the worst person on the planet who can’t improve, there is a way. I have found a way to change your life, one step at a time, that will only cost you a pound a week for the next year. This will get you on the right track to self-improvement. That’s right. So even if you are flat broke and think that you don’t have the funds to change a little bit every week, then read on. This week it is beauty on a budget.

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